Fydd Cŵnfest nol. Fwy o wybodaeth yn dod cyn hir.
Cŵnfest wil be back. More information will be available very soon
BIGGEST Dog Festival in West Wales
Cŵnfest was only an idea that I had back in February 2019 when I set about organising the Dog Groomers Festival (Clip, Snip & Hand-strip) held in hall two. The opportunity came that the main hall was also available, so the decision to organise a small public event was born. I had no idea how much support I would get for the event but I felt that it was something that is needed in West Wales and Cŵnfest just grew and grew.
The ethos of Cŵnfest is to not only bring like minded people together, but to try and support local businesses and companies as well as dog related charities and none profit organisations, to which I have given the trade stands free of charge.
The Dog Groomers Festival (Clip, Snip & Hand-strip) is held for Dog Groomers from all over the UK to further their education and participate in Grooming Demonstrations from World Class Groomers whom are Masters in their field. There is a small viewing gallery for the general public to pop in the small hall outside from the main hall entrance, to have a look at these amazing talented Dog Groomers at their game.
Dylan Davies, Head Organiser Cŵnfest
- Family Dog Show
- Over a Hundred Trade Stands
- Professional Dog Displays
- Have a go Agility
- Dog Grooming Competition
- Rare Breeds Corner
- Doggy Grand National
- Dog Therapy treatments
- Dog Photo Studio
- Doggy Ice Cream Stand
- Handmade Doggy Crafts
- Mostyn's Mighty Raffle
- Fun Fair Rides
Gŵyl Cŵn FWYAF Gorllewin Cymru
Ces i’r syniad o Cŵnfest nôl yn Chwefror 2019 pan ddechreuais trefnu gwyl ar gyfer ‘Groomers’ (Clip, Snip and Hand-strip). Daeth y cyfle bod y brif neuadd ar gael hefyd, felly penderfynais drefnu digwyddiad bach ar gyfer y cyhoedd hefyd. Doedd ‘da fi ddim syniad faint o gefnogaeth fydden i’n cael, ond ro’n i’n teimlo bod angen digwyddiad o’r fath yn y Gorllewin. Mae syniad Cŵnfest wedi tyfu ers hynny.
Mae ethos Cŵnfest yn cynnwys dod â phobl tebyg at ei gilydd, cefnogi busnesau lleol ynghyd ag elusennau sy’n ymwneud â chŵn. Mae stondinau’r elusennau sydd yma heddiw wedi’u rhoi yn rhad ac am ddim.
Mae’r Wyl ‘Groomers’ (Clip, Snip and Hand-strip) yn cael ei gynnal ar gyfer ‘groomers’ ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig i ehangu eu gwybodaeth a chymryd rhan mewn arddangosfa trin cwn gan ‘Groomers’ sy’n enwog yn eu maes. Os ydych chi’n awyddus i’w gweld wrth eu gwaith, mae oriel ar gael yn y neuadd fach sydd drws nesaf i fynedfa’r beif neuadd ar gyfer y cyhoedd.
Dylan Davies, Prif Drefnydd Cŵnfest
- Indoor & Outdoor Trade Stand Pitches Available
- Sponsorship Packages Available
- Professional Dog Displays Enquiries Welcomed
- Email cwnfest@gmail.com For More Info
- FREE 3m x 3m Trade Stand Pitches Available to Dog Related Charities and None Profit Organisations